Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Kris skating

Duration: 00:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-05 02:04:12
User: Hornatron
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shitty footage of me skating in 2005 and early 06 new shit coming soon

DirrtyScammers ::: Favorites
omg i wish there would be some spots in switzerland like in this vid...
07-09-14 12:00:06
jersk84life ::: Favorites
great skating vid
07-09-13 11:28:24
Hornatron ::: Favorites
haha yeah that sounds about perfect.
07-09-06 06:33:00
hornsticles ::: Favorites
what the fucking nice. so wanna skate now with shampooed hair, rolling in the wind, i do a tre flip, you copy me then ollie some shit gap, then i fall over. later that night, after legs we drink clean fucking Pure Blondes, followed by 2 ciggarettes. arnt i just beautiful?
07-09-06 06:04:59
yourbandsgood ::: Favorites
wow cob cunt its ryan cunt. lol pac pines 3 looks smaller than your dick.
07-09-06 02:54:55
123timmysk8123 ::: Favorites
really good, sik vid an amanda knows my cousin leigh kruger
07-09-06 02:05:04
Hornatron ::: Favorites
karate kid!
07-09-05 07:29:21
pigeonset ::: Favorites
hahhaha at the song
07-09-05 06:53:22
Hornatron ::: Favorites
07-09-05 04:49:21
p0keball ::: Favorites
yumm, me and your back flips 22seconds thru. i had 3 quarter pants on and my hair was kinda short!!!!
07-09-05 04:48:39

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