Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 00:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-21 06:01:24
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arkgunslinger ::: Favorites
foxmuldr, I think the main difference is most of those folks at gitmo were shooting at us as enemy combatants and captured. It would seem they would fall more under treatment of POWs?
07-08-21 17:14:32
darkgatherer ::: Favorites
Since when do Ron Paul spammers actually watch any videos before deciding that everyone in them is a tool of the NWO and telling us we should vote for Ron Paul because he's our savior? Never.
07-08-21 16:52:49
foxmuldr ::: Favorites
arkgunslinger, yes. My point was that the rule of law works. That by being able to defend yourself, to present your case before the court, to have that opportunity to assert your innocense, these are absolutely paramount in a society claiming to be free. My point was basically that if it works anywhere, then it would also work here. I think we should try it again.
07-08-21 15:52:52
arkgunslinger ::: Favorites
foxmuldr, Did you even listen to the video? The guy was in jail in PAKISTAN not USA.
07-08-21 15:46:25
wiskawind ::: Favorites
Bush coming to Washington State on Aug 27, 2007. Meet in Bellevue at 12:00 at 8th and Bellevue Way! Wear Orange, bring your outrage, signs, puppets, theatrics, noisemakers and friends; we will not tolerate the war criminal in chief here in Washington State! Spread the word!
07-08-21 10:48:02
foxmuldr ::: Favorites
Further proof that our government's current policy-in-action (recently overturned by our courts btw) stating that suspected terrorists can be held indefinitely without the ability to prove their innocence... well, it's just bad practice. You see, habeas corpus works. So does "no ex post facto law". It's time we brought back the rule of law in this nation. Ron Paul in 2008!
07-08-21 06:37:35
V2impeach ::: Favorites
NATIONAL IMPEACHMENT DAY is TODAY - TUESDAY AUGUST 21st!! Spread the word and search "v2impeach" on YOUTUBE now!
07-08-21 06:05:49

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