Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 05:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-13 22:08:50
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tabethalundie7208 ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-09-17 12:29:40
Bufster ::: Favorites
Bring back electric cars! Wish Al Gore was given a chance to shape the world.
07-09-16 23:01:25
Bufster ::: Favorites
Is Oil > Life?
07-09-16 22:59:27
F4O4U4R4S ::: Favorites
does anyone realize that the goal IS complete chaos inside the iraqi borders, so then the Americans have to stay, bush says we will stay to protect americas INTERESTS, what do you think americas INTERESTS are ,SAND? NO,,THE IRAQI PEOPLE? NO,,,DEMOCRACY? NO,,OIL?...YES!
07-09-15 19:34:41
R0mmatt ::: Favorites
This douche doesnt fool me.
07-09-15 13:10:56
shaire99 ::: Favorites
There is no death on earth that would be more welcome than that of this Immoral Idiot, who is more concerned with his withered, bankrupt legacy as the Worst Pres America has ever had. The squalid mess that is Iraq, the tens of thousands (literally) of brain damaged young Americans, the 4000 dead, the shattered lives of relatives and the decay of our society and standing in the world. He revels as the world shows its disgust for the American Cause?
07-09-15 11:02:50
twotoedgiraffe ::: Favorites
Yes, he has guts to send young men and women off to Iraq to be mangled and blown up by a civil war over the profits of oil. Wake up lady, this isn't about a safe's about you and and your SUV loving suburban selfish little self with your overfed kids. If we're antibush, why would we have re-elected him? There was quite a huge antiwar protest before we went into Iraq. It was just casually swept under the media rug.
07-09-15 08:40:07
freefallin0169 ::: Favorites
I never suppported Bush or his father, even before this war. This war did not start my hatred for the man, but it sure does add fuel to the fire!
07-09-15 01:44:18
Lindsayray85 ::: Favorites
Second, the troops Volunteered to serve so dont give me this bull about the soldiers are anti war. No we can not get rid of all terrorism but we can make it weak enough to where they leave us alone and this is the only way to do that. Stop using this liberal hippy CNN train of thought, and do your home work, on what really is happening over there.
07-09-15 01:27:16
Lindsayray85 ::: Favorites
i would rather have a man that has got guts enough to do something about making our world a better place and our nation the safest and strongest, than a chicken like ron paul who likes to run like a dog with his tail tucked between his legs. Let me also remind all of you anti bush folks that the majority of you supported him at his reelection and were supportive of him until yall realized that the war was not going to be over in just a few years.
07-09-15 01:26:27

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