Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 04:52 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-16 18:00:47
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lindsaylohaniscool ::: Favorites
this is bullcrap. marilyn was not dumb and nor is lindsay.
07-08-18 11:58:04
shellius ::: Favorites
Hillary is a brunette. What a complete waste of time this video was. CNN must be a blonde jock.
07-06-20 04:15:58
GreenEyedBanana ::: Favorites
Marilyn Monroe resented the 'dumb blonde' stereotype. She's not dumb at all, though the same cannot be said for the later women who try to play that up and dye their hair blonde.
07-06-17 19:08:00
7halffloppy ::: Favorites
Some of these comments are nuts: This isn't political, so shut up. This isn't terribly important news, thats true, but its a cute puff piece and it says something about the generalizing our society allows and how these stereotypes continue through the media. A good clip. Thank you, whoever posted it.
07-06-17 17:33:02
foxmuldr ::: Favorites
I truly pray that you will read the U.S. Constitution sometime. You'll find what an amazing document it is and what it does for people. You'll then realize the reasons why candidates who support the U.S. Constitution are the only ones worthy of your vote.
07-06-17 16:17:13
a1addinsane ::: Favorites
uhh, neither of them are running in a third party nor are they losers..
07-06-17 13:22:19
alcoita ::: Favorites
scary shit but true either way we're all screwed it's a bit too late to revolt
07-06-17 13:05:54
S1Genocide ::: Favorites
Oh and fuck Ron Paul fuck Mike Gavel. lets see who else is a third party loser
07-06-17 01:04:01
S1Genocide ::: Favorites
Hillary 08. Just because you said that. 8 years as first lady and 8 in the senate. She is not dumb.
07-06-17 01:02:20
CSPANJUNKIEdotORG ::: Favorites
This is all just a distraction! All the 2008 election coverage is to make You believe Dubya is almost gone... WRONG! They have plenty of time to expand the war into Iran and drive oil prices to 400 dollars per barrel Or have another false flag operation declare martial law & bingo NO 2008 ELECTION! Bush becomes KING!
07-06-16 20:32:59

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