Saturday, October 6, 2007

Goldeneye Source Kill Compilation Video

Duration: 04:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-02 01:10:11
User: ABadFeeling
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:::: Top Videos of Day

A higher quality version can be found here: The song is "When You Where Young" By "The Killers", the game is Goldeneye Source Beta 1 and the gamemode was Licence To Kill (one hit kill) with only PP7s, knifes and slapping available and with paintball mode on. There are many more weapons, characters and maps, I only recorded 3 demos of around 40 minutes of footage in total and it was also my first time at playing it. You can download GE: Source from any of the mirrors listed on this page: Unfortunately I PANT3RA I was not featured in this video.


Collector45 ::: Favorites
07-08-26 21:17:01
g2g4m10 ::: Favorites
Just like the old days
07-08-25 11:28:50
Notgarrynewman ::: Favorites
you owned them......I espeically liked the part when you knifed the guy
07-08-14 17:43:17
99draiwil ::: Favorites
only just realised, its an LTK server, only PP7's and melee weapons.
07-07-30 15:05:37
davefan12 ::: Favorites
Its cool but thats really shity music.
07-07-27 23:51:59
spacemadness123 ::: Favorites
the only thing that doesnt look like goldeneye is how the dead bodies fly backwards, instead of fallin all slow. other than that looks pretty tight. i like
07-03-23 03:32:16
ABadFeeling ::: Favorites
Actually that's your fault for being homophobic.
07-03-10 18:23:27
Shakusen ::: Favorites
What's up with the gay music.
07-03-10 13:03:57
Nercanase182 ::: Favorites
Bit slap happy aren't we XD What an awesome idea, a remake of the most classic of all FPS =D
07-03-09 07:00:21
ABadFeeling ::: Favorites
There were only those weapons in the server I played in but there's a load of other guns in the game and if they haven't got all of them in (not sure if they do or not) then they'll be added in later because right now it's only a beta.
07-02-28 20:39:24

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