Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Immigration Debate Heats Up Again

Duration: 04:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-27 13:05:28
User: TheRealjohnny2k
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The Immigration Debate Heats Up Again Watch this video, and then, you decide. Right.... Fox News shows the other side of the story about Elvira Arellana, and this is from an activist for illegal aliens. America, this is a perfect example of what the illegals expect from us! They want us to bow down and kiss their toenails, as if they deserve it. Well, I have news for you all.... This is OUR LAND! I am thinking the illegal immigrant activists just went over the top, and we're not going to take it any more. DANGER: Just watching this video may increase your blood pressure. And, be careful about what you say in public about this, as you do not want to see the black Suburbans pulling up in front of your house.


fico81 ::: Favorites
Im am Spanish and This is a fucking whore she things she is the shit fuck her
07-09-30 21:54:20
prideofcnmi ::: Favorites
Please, do it fairly cause I am not going to spend money on bringing employees from abroad by abiding the laws of the land. But others will come in illegally and work illegally here. Come on, I thought America has a very strict immigration laws.
07-09-26 11:12:58
DragonFly122 ::: Favorites
I have nothing against those who came here legally fair and square. I am for legal immagration 110%. I oppose illegal immagration b/c of tax fraud and ID theft committed by illegals in order to obtain work and gain acess to and abuse social programs paid by taxpaying Americans
07-09-19 10:54:36
skwinkle79 ::: Favorites
usa is not even a country and it should not be treated like one, wake up people this is the same that happened to blacks, opression.
07-09-16 13:19:55
spiritualman982 ::: Favorites
Yet, you won't mention the Mexican governments role in this fiasco. I wonder how much the Mexican government cares about their poor.
07-09-10 11:31:50
jennykelly22 ::: Favorites
ELVIRA'S SONG -- A Tribute to Elvira Arellano and her son Saul, featured on NPR's Latino USA. Visit myspace dot com backslash ElvirasSong. Or Youtube *Elvira's Song*.
07-09-09 23:16:40
thisthingofours ::: Favorites
Written on The Statue Of Liberty Plaque at Liberty Island in New York: "From 1892 to the beginning of World War I, came 10 million immigrants, to whom the Statue of Liberty represented the freedom which they sought in the New World. BOTTOM LINE IS: MOST, IF NOT ALL WHITE US BORN CITIZENS, YOUR GREAT GRANDFATHER WAS ONE OF THOSE 10 MILLION WHO WAS ALSO AN IMMIGRANT AT ONE POINT IN TIME. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT??
07-09-07 00:31:26
asdfpoijc21 ::: Favorites
Take off your stereotype goggles.
07-09-03 06:37:20
warcraft1920 ::: Favorites
No we just dont want scum like you killing our country.
07-09-02 04:09:03
asdfpoijc21 ::: Favorites
I don't think they want to understand. They feel good about being judgemental.
07-08-29 01:08:56

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