Saturday, October 6, 2007

my heart will go on lyrics

Duration: 04:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-25 14:01:20
User: maza1993
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my heart will go on by celine dion for the titanic film with songwords


xxrachxerexx ::: Favorites
Eeverytime i here dissong a tear goes on my face. i just can't believe so many people died because of a ice burg! its so sad. and btw people there is a true stor about jack and rose thats how the film was made. luv the vid a ppr cryin now lol..x
07-09-28 12:08:53
JapanAiko ::: Favorites
i love this song but i think they could have picked a bttr singer
07-09-23 17:18:13
princessbabe03 ::: Favorites
i cried so much when i first saw da movie i was sooo sad y should we be bad i mean like enjoy ur life and be with ur family cuz one day they going 2 die everyone dies so live as much as u can and never let go..... sorry jux get this way i hear the vid and i get really sad beacuse im sensitive 2 me hip hop is dead and rap i jux decited yes im positive...(criying) hope she rest's in peace with jack and be together once more
07-09-07 19:03:28
princessbabe03 ::: Favorites
even thoe i like hip hop this song is still speacial and i always have my moments and that song i will alawys carry in me and hip hop and rap it fades away i even bearly like it i know hard 2 belive but i found something more special
07-09-07 18:59:16
mohammedasseradhy ::: Favorites
dis song givezz me a headache!!....buh still romantic..xx
07-09-03 19:58:20
sportsgal6 ::: Favorites
i no it rox!
07-08-28 07:21:54
sportsgal6 ::: Favorites
This song is the BEST! I love the lyrics! It's so sad though, it's where Jack passes away. :(
07-08-28 06:50:12
kitkat88888888 ::: Favorites
i luv this song its sooo pretty!
07-08-25 12:09:48
oli9724 ::: Favorites
wot type of video do u call this?????
07-08-15 14:16:38
tesseley ::: Favorites
everytime this songs on, i think abt my past and just srts 2 cry.....if i sang this sng, i wld dedicate it 2 all ppl who lost some1 special. i love it.....
07-08-12 18:31:32

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