Saturday, October 6, 2007

Oh great, now my hair feels like straw.

Duration: 02:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-20 13:58:06
User: Elrich89
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:::: Top Videos of Day

The most pointless video ever. Music: Cafe del Mare - Havanna Lounge musica John Swihart - Nap Pulls Kip My shoutout! BeeVeeStudios! Find Bee here:


Elrich89 ::: Favorites
I'll balance it out with the thumbs up!
07-10-03 02:14:40
wonderfulkeithfloyd ::: Favorites
Amazing that someone gave me a thumbs down for that comment. It was meant to be a compliment!
07-10-02 20:12:54
Elrich89 ::: Favorites
Thank you! It's interesting hearing what my viewers' preferences are.
07-09-26 14:43:03
wonderfulkeithfloyd ::: Favorites
Great vid, Ed. Simplest ones always the best.
07-09-26 14:03:25
violoncellistar ::: Favorites
very entertaining! the best part is the chipmunk-shock music.
07-09-24 20:21:00
crimemaster11 ::: Favorites
i wish my hair was like u....[:)]
07-09-23 16:05:37
crappyvideospotter ::: Favorites
I enjoyed it when you said hooray lol. It was a like a whispering shout. The part when your hair was all up the sound was so loud, ouch my ears still hurt a bit. And the separated at birth thing was funny. Some people do walk around like that but I believe it is because they do not own a hairbrush. :) I can hardly believe that is an acceptable hairstyle these days. lol nice vid anyways
07-09-22 15:06:41
ruroremy ::: Favorites
The crazy hair was good. On a side note, my hair is worse. Even if I comb it or put gel in it, it doesn't give any effect to it at all.
07-09-21 18:18:28
newport2100 ::: Favorites
that hair looks like u stuck ur finger in light socket! great vid, as usual!
07-09-21 12:50:44
OhSoJodiex ::: Favorites
haha lushh hair
07-09-21 11:10:27

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