Saturday, October 6, 2007

Memorization Course, Part 3

Duration: 09:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-19 18:50:44
User: Jediairmech
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Balfi7 ::: Favorites
Nice to find something really really useful on the internet, thanks for posting Tim. I have taught my self basic Japanese and am now just learning vocabulary. If you know anything about language accusition please let me know. It is useful to remember alot but speed is also critical when you are in a conversation. Any ideas ?
07-08-16 19:26:36
Jediairmech ::: Favorites
07-07-08 00:22:01
xTrueNightmaresx ::: Favorites
dude i love u i mean i caught on right away and i knew 20 would be nose and everything i love this system thanks alot
07-07-07 03:33:14
prancingpony12 ::: Favorites
this is awesome dude i usually have a memory problem and cant remember lists like this but i was amazed that i actually remembered the whole list with out even studying the root words. lol cool dude dont stop.
07-06-17 22:19:09
Jediairmech ::: Favorites
actually, my original version was "tit" but i cleaned it up for this, lol
07-05-17 20:03:05
wilku71 ::: Favorites
true mate can with peas is fine :D cheers btw. have changed tot to tatoo because i have no idea what tot is, no hablo en ingles, nich fer stain, nie znam anglielskiego! ;) anyway, keep it up! awesome
07-05-17 18:51:11
Jediairmech ::: Favorites
the key to this is imagination. If pea doesn't work for you, try imagining a can of peas... you open it and instead of finding peas inside, you find what is #9 on your list.
07-05-17 18:45:46
Jediairmech ::: Favorites
party is 91 cause it has a "t" in it and "t" is the #1
07-05-17 18:43:50
wilku71 ::: Favorites
that wired word there is - somebody's ;)
07-05-17 18:37:04
wilku71 ::: Favorites
all right what about 9? I cant realy imagine peas, i mean it doesnt work for me, used sombad's sugestion party is that fine?
07-05-17 18:36:22

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