Saturday, October 6, 2007

Re: What's the BIG idea? The Miss G__ Project

Duration: 02:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-18 04:12:24
User: jennaow
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eboulter ::: Favorites
Umm, jennaow, womens studies is boring. Nobody will take it seriously. Canada is already one of the most PC places on earth, and besides kids in a public school are not going to take womens studies seriously.
07-08-21 18:20:46
jennaow ::: Favorites
07-08-21 18:36:58
eboulter ::: Favorites
it's true though
07-08-21 18:53:42
jennaow ::: Favorites
i disagree
07-08-21 19:09:25
dfarmer1584 ::: Favorites
PC =/= equality. PC is just a way of talking. You know the cliche I'm sure: Talk is Cheap. In fact, PC is more often a hindrance to equality than a help. It tends to lead to obscurantism. Peace.
07-08-21 19:13:06
Epitome22 ::: Favorites
P.S. You should maybe get a paypal account on the site or something, like they have on a lot of blogs so people can contribute a lil more conveniently. Just a suggestion. Again good luck!
07-08-18 20:07:14
jennaow ::: Favorites
hey!! thanks for the posts.. sorry for taking so long to get back to you!!! the paypal idea sounds pretty cool im going to look into it
07-08-21 23:50:01
Epitome22 ::: Favorites
This is a good idea. University subjects like Economics and Int. Studies are taught at the highschool level. There SHOULD be a Women's studies class at the highschool level, especially when women's studies has been a cornerstone of a well rounded liberal education for at LEAST 25 years. Cheers to being a part of something that has a realisable goal and a chance to make a difference. So Jealous.
07-08-18 20:00:49
jennaow ::: Favorites
hey thanks for checkin out the vid --- and for the feedback re: volumes! lol it IS disheartening how prominent people from places such as harvard are putting forth that stuff!! i really liked ur idea as well! peeps.. myself included, can be so lazy that we need recycling to be made easy so it actualy is adopted by a majority
07-08-18 12:21:05
freesouljah ::: Favorites
yeah...when that harvard cat came out and said that, he got a lot of flack, but some people agreed least in the media coverage that I saw... recycling just makes so much more sense than throwing it all into a giant hole...hopefully we will recycle more than we throw away - some time soon...
07-08-18 13:16:06

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